Edd Edwards – Bio-Intrinsic Resonant Energy (©B.I.R.E.)


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Edd Edwards – Bio-Intrinsic Resonant Energy (©B.I.R.E.)

I am Edd Edwards, the research subject featured on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens in the episode titled ‘[The Alien Brain].’ Since childhood, I have possessed a unique sensitivity to and control over my bio-electric energy field. For more than 30 years, scientists have examined my ability to activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

My grandmother, a hands-on healer with roots in the Cherokee lineage of the Kituwah settlement, guided me in nurturing these gifts from early childhood. By the age of three, I was already well-acquainted with this energy field, thanks to her teachings. Despite accusations from the church and school of dabbling in the occult and having an overly active imagination, my grandmother instilled in me the belief that this energy stemmed from the Holy Spirit. Those who have experienced being pain-free within seconds in my presence can attest to the authenticity of this power. Source: https://eddedwards.com/

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Edd Edwards – Bio-Intrinsic Resonant Energy (©B.I.R.E.)

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Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
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