Uncle Tony’s Garage – Gearhead Monk Inauguration Day Wisdom

About UTG
We live Mopar but have our hands in a little bit of everything. Old school simplicity and common sense Hot Rodding is what we’re all about. Classic Muscle cars, vintage daily drivers. street and drag racing, DIY wrenching and budget builds the common working man can afford.
Uncle Tony’s Garage is similar to the great car magazines of the 60’s and 70’s. A wide variety of topics and features any gearhead can relate to.
In addition to our ongoing project builds, we also post videos on viewers cars, historic factory cars as well as race cars and street machines. You’ll also find unique personality profiles and even the occasional vehicle rescue. And now, with our new facilities we’re branching out into the worlds of Off Road and Autocross. UTG is the only place on earth you’ll find a Chrysler Slant Six powered Miata, and we’ve got plenty more like that lined up for the future.

Interiew – YouTube
Uncle Tony’s Garage – Gearhead Monk Inauguration Day Wisdom

Show people what you are about with a “Way Of The Gearhead Monk” t-shirt. Get a sticker as well! Please tell them Radiant Creators sent you.

Interiew – Rumble

Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”.

Classic UTG Media

To Be Old and Wise, One Must First Be Young And Stupid
– You Don’t Know How Much You Don’t Know. The learning curve is painful, its excruciating, but it’s something that you have to go through.

If Anyone Is Going To Save America, It’s Her Mechanics

Media Mentioned During Show

First show with Tony
Uncle Tony’s Garage – Way Of The Gearhead Monk

Andy Schectman From Miles Franklin – Playing To Win! (Great Place to get metals!)

Cruisin’ The Apocalypse In Style – Thoughts On Prepper, Survival And Bug Out Vehicles

Metal Leo (Gone Now)

Jungle Jim and Jungle Pam



BangShift Home

BangShift YouTube

Brian Lohnes
Play by play NHRA on FOX, BangShift.com, Host Put Up or Shut Up, Host Motor Head Garage, content creator, entrepreneur

Garage 54

Russians With Attitude

Above Majestic (Full Movie) The Secret Space Program and more…

The Market Sniper

Very interesting. The Russians just assumed control over the largest known deposit of lithium in Europe,

formerly, the land and mineral rights for the land were contractually held by BlackRock, having been sold to BR by the Kiev regime.

Note the mineral content of the entire deposit and the points of overlap in electronics and nuclear technology. BR was positioned to be be in prime position to place a chokehold on the material required to initiate agenda 2050 and its “new infrastructure.”

One of the largest lithium deposits in Europe, Rozhin, has come under Russian control

UTG – Uncle Tony’s Garage Links




Radiant Creators Social Media

RC YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOFOzbsnnBIhsIWPTnh6Dpg
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RC BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tYQMEpPQs7qw/
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RC Audible https://www.audible.com/pd/Radiant-Creators-Podcast/B09WZ8WGNZ
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