Yarrow Willard/Herbal Jedi – Unlocking A New Level In The Game Of Life

About Guest

Yarrow Willard is a Master Herbalist, and a co-visionary of Harmonic Arts. Yarrow enjoys sharing health-empowering teachings on advanced nutrition, and cultivating a deeper connection with the natural world. He strives to continually update his knowledge in the growing-edge science of natural wellness. Source: https://harmonicarts.ca/pages/about-us

Show Links

Interview – YouTube

Interview – SoundCloud

Interview – Brighteon

Interview – BitChute

Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”.

Content Mentioned During Interview

You are the Hero

Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing

Wim Hof breathing Mini-Course (FREE)

Robert Young Pelton – Dawn Of The “Neo-Pioneer American” Think Locally Act Locally

John Hickman / Primitive Ways  – Doorway To The Earth
John Hickman creator of the Primitive Ways YouTube channel is a true Neo-Aboriginal. In this interview we talk about the confidence primal survival skills create. We documented some “Neo-Aboriginal / Natural Human Training”.

Previous Radiant Creators Interview With Herbal Jedi
Interview With Yarrow Willard/Herbal Jedi – Embracing Natures Wisdom For Radiant Health

Guest Social Media

Harmonic Arts Website: www.harmonicarts.ca

Herbal Jedi Blog: http://yarrowwillard.com

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheHarmonicArts

Instagram: http://instagram.com/herbal_jedi

Facebook: http://facebook.com/harmonicarts

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/harmonicarts

Twitter: http://twitter.com/harmonic_arts

Follow Radiant Creators for more!

RC YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOFOzbsnnBIhsIWPTnh6Dpg
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Interview With Yarrow Willard/Herbal Jedi – Embracing Natures Wisdom For Radiant Health

About Guest

From https://harmonicarts.ca/team
Yarrow Willard is a Clinical/Master Herbalist and co-visionary of the Harmonic Arts Botanical Dispensary. Raised by herbalist parents, he has been immersed in the world of plant medicine since before he was born and is continually updating his knowledge with the growing edge science of re-claiming wellness. Yarrow shares health empowering practices and teachings through advanced nutrition and cultivating a deeper connection with the natural world.

Show Links

Interview – SoundCloud

Interview – YouTube

Interview – BitChute

Interview – iTunes

Interview – iHeartRadio

Interview – Spreaker

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”.

Content Mentioned During Interview

Divine Feminine

Sacred Masculine

A Sand County Almanac: And Sketches Here and There (Outdoor Essays & Reflections)

A New Path: To Transcend the Great Forgetting Through Incorporating Ancestral Practices into Contemporary Living

Guest Social Media

Website www.harmonicarts.ca

Harmonic Arts Blog: http://bit.ly/1q3me4d

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheHarmonicArts

Instagram: http://instagram.com/herbal_jedi

Facebook: http://facebook.com/harmonicarts

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/harmonicarts

Twitter: http://twitter.com/harmonic_arts

Follow Radiant Creators for more!

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RC Minds
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RC Spreaker

Interview with Shane Tyler Milson – Black Magic Alchemy

Today’s interview features Shane Tyler Milson of Black Magic Alchemy, a company and philosophy inspired by Shane’s love of foraging mushrooms. Black Magic Alchemy’s premier product is a Chaga mushroom-based Rootbeer Elixir, and all of the Chaga used to create this magical elixir is wild harvested deep in Canadian forests by Shane and his crew. Chaga mushrooms are typically found growing on birch trees and contain powerful immune boosting health benefits. We enthusiastically discuss Chaga and Reishi mushrooms and discuss at length the many reasons one should consider adding them to their diet. We also discuss modern Shamanism and its re-emergence into our daily lives. This interview was magical and inspired from start to finish.

“We sustainably hunt our own wild rare mature Chaga mushrooms in pristine Canadian forests, blessing every birch tree before harvest & taking only a small portion of the mushroom to protect the life force energy of the tree, mushroom and forest.” ~ Shane Tyler Milson

Interview – YouTube

Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

Black Magic Alchemy – Instagram

Black Magic Alchemy – Website

Black Magic Alchemy – Facebook

Shane Milson – YouTube

Inspiring Content by Shane Milson

Kill The Bear | Motivational Video | “What One Man Can Do, Another Can Do!”

My Chaga Mushroom “Psychic” Experience That Triggered My Shroomie Passion | Shane Tyler Milson

Story of the Chaga mushroom used to create your magical elixirs that the osprey’s deliver.

Radiant Creators Interview with Malcolm Saunders, Reconnecting To Our Food Through Intuitive Eating

Today, Malcolm Saunders is joining us to discuss how to recreate your relationship to food. Malcolm is a passionate educator in the field of health and nutrition and an intuitive chef who enjoys teaching others how to make their own energizing and healing superfoods.

Today, Malcolm Saunders is joining us to discuss how to recreate your relationship to food. Malcolm is a passionate educator in the field of health and nutrition and an intuitive chef who enjoys teaching others how to make their own energizing and healing superfoods.

Malcolm has created events and shared the stage with world-renown speakers including David Wolfe and Daniel Vitalis, and is the visionary founder behind The Light Cellar, a health food store and community teaching kitchen located in Alberta, Canada.

Today with so many divergent diets, clashing opinions and research being touted – everything from Vegan to Paleo to Ketogenic – many people are left confused as to what exactly to eat for optimal health.

Malcolm brings what he calls a “Food Scope” approach to intuitive eating, and also discusses some of the optimal superfoods, such as chocolate and medicinal mushrooms, to consider adding to our diets.

We’ll also discuss the importance of gut health in building a strong immune system and healthy brain function.

You can find our more about Malcolm’s approach to health at his website, MalcolmSaunders.com. There, you’ll find an array of topics such Intuitive Eating, Wild Harvesting, and Fermentation. The website of his health food store, The Light Cellar contains a wealth of educational videos, as well as information on his upcoming workshops.




Listen to it on iTunes

Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

Malcolm Saunders on Instagram @TheMalchemist

Malcolm Saunders – Recreate your relationship to food…

Malcom Saunder – Facebook

The Light Cellar

Inspiring Content by Malcolm Saunders

Find Your What

Recreating Your Relationship With Food w/ Malcolm Saunders ~ ATTMind Ep.38

Discover Your Talents & Do What You Love