Astrologer, writer, broadcaster, social commentator, Robert Phoenix has been engaged in the esoteric arts and healing since the mid-eighties. From 1994 through 2000, Robert was a tele-psychic and tarot reader, being on the ground floor of the intuitive revolution, highlighted by the Uranus/Neptune conjunction from that period. Source:
Masaki Miyagawa is an author, speaker and consultant based in Los Angeles. He has over 10 years experience in the esoteric field and his family has been involved in Buddhist Studies for over 400 Years. Masaki is currently teaching Mediation Classes and available for personal numerology consultations. Source:
The Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man (Audible Version Now Available!)
“Becoming Supernal” is the latest from Dr. Joe and Craigs’ favorite.
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon Paperback – March 5, 2019
Joe Dispenza Collection: 3 Books Set: Becoming Supernatural, You Are the Placebo, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
Dr. Richard Alan Miller has a long and extensive resume in the fields of Physics, Metaphysics and Agriculture. Here are just some of the highlights from his very rich and varied resume – from solid state physics to states of consciousness and much in between…
Prodigious from an early age, two of Richard Miller’s high school science projects were adopted by NASA, including one used in the Mariner 4 mission to determine the amount of water on the planet Mars. At age 16 he built a linear accelerator and hydrogen bubble chamber for a science fair project and was the first American to demonstrate particles going faster than the speed of light.
He’s been involved in research and projects – many at top secret level – that have formed the basis of several modern-day scientific inventions. Miller’s research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel (Anesthesiology). His work includes foundational papers on A Holographic Concept of Reality and Embryonic Holography and work with microwaves and synthetic telepathy. He was used as Timothy Leary’s experimental guinea pig to see what the effects of LSD were when taken by a Mensa level genius.
Dr. Miller was the real-life character that the X-Files’ Fox Mulder was based on – investigating unexplained phenomena for Navy Seal Corp and MRU, which put him in the path of many incredible life experiences, including an encounter with an alien and travel to an underground Antarctic Nazi base.
He conducted ESP experiments with astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the dark side of the Moon, and he developed early protocols and trained Navy Seals in ESP and Super Soldier techniques. Source/More:
A Grey Fox showed up during the interview. Looked for the meaning: Gray/Silver Fox: Symbolizes nobility, refinement, and good taste. Its fur embodies wealth and fortune.
This is the book Craig quoted “A Warrior Does Not Indulge”. Tales of Power – Carlos Castaneda (The Teachings Of Don Juan series)
Very good reading of complete book on YouTube.
“Tales Of Power” – Carlos Castaneda (The Teachings Of Don Juan series)
The cool glasses that Craig wears during interviews. GUNNAR Gaming and Computer Eyewear /Intercept, Amber Tint – Patented Lens, Reduce Digital Eye Strain, Block 65% of Harmful Blue Light
Our desire at Radiant Creators is to interview inspiring people and extract inspiration into an audible elixir for listeners. This interview with Les Stroud is exactly that!
“Les Stroud is a Canadian survival expert, filmmaker and musician best known as the creator, writer, producer, director, cameraman and host of the television series Survivorman” ~ Wikipedia
Survivorman video’s are found at the Les Stroud website An important series touched on during the interview was Les Stroud’s Beyond Survival. The Book and Video (DVD) (iTunes) (Amazon) are well worth getting. The lyrics to “One Giant Farm” that Craig showed during interview are found in the Beyond Survival Book. Les has an amazing series on Bigfoot.
One Giant Farm Video
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Inspired Quotes from Interview with Les Stroud
“There is a muscle memory that is much more spiritual, that builds within our own hearts and passion” ~ Les Stroud
“Whatever I do today, let it effect somebody in a positive way, let it bring about a positive influence in their life and inspire them” ~ Les Stroud
“In the adventure known as life, there are some that live it vicariously and enjoy the ride from the safety of an armchair, and that’s good. There are those who have a few chances to realize incredible and life changing experiences and though they don’t repeat them they carry with them a growth in personal philosophy for the rest of their lives. And there are those for whome a taste is never enough. For whome the lust for adventure is nearly insatiable. And if you add to that the overwhelming desire to create, and to share, then you get where I reside. For the end of one adventure, only signifies the beginning of another” ~ Les Stroud
Papua New Guinea episode where “In the adventure known as life” quote comes from.
Farming, medicine and athletics are what we do. Success in each has demanded two attributes above all else, impeccability and innovation. The Alfa Vedic system delivers both.
As the founder of Alfa Vedic I extend a most warm welcome to the AV community, and those of you exploring this site for the first time. Alfa Vedic is a departure from the norm, so you need to know a bit about us to get started.
Alfa Vedic is five decades in the making, a culmination of our experience in athletics, medicine and farming. These endeavors have become both vocation, and lifestyle, while providing a vehicle for our present mission. Our team is now multi-generational, continuing the exploration with new eyes and talents, but never losing the thread.
Alfa Vedic is a system, a living technology. I was fortunate to have learned from the best. Many were icons in their respective fields, and it’s now my responsibility to pay it forward. I mirrored their actions; learn, practice and observe. Alfa Vedic is the result.
Robert Young Pelton is an explorer, adventurer, author, journalist and documentary filmmaker. An iconoclast known for his entry into most of the world’s conflicts over the last twenty five years, Pelton is known for his ability to enter forbidden, deadly and violent places and emerge with a stunning story. His career began with a multi-week profile by ABC News Online called “Dangerous Places” where Pelton invented the “SoJo” concept of nonstop writing, photos, video and interactive reported from the world’s hotspots. From Amazon:
In his forties, Pelton retired from his marketing career to focus on going inside dirty wars, conflicts and dangerous regions to write the cult classic and New York Time’s best seller, The World’s Most Dangerous Places, now in its fifth edition. Complete Bio:
Robert Young Pelton’s, The World’s Most Dangerous Places:Lion of the Panjshir
“When I travel to the worlds most dangerous places, I see the best, and worst in people, and I see it with my own eyes. There is a purity in that. Seeing life for yourself unfiltered by other peoples judgements. And at journeys end I am never really the same person I was at the beginning, but maybe that is the biggest discovery of all” ~RYP
Robert Young Pelton’s The World’s Most Dangerous Places: Liberia Dark Heart
“People don’t like to look at misery” ~ RYP
Robert Young Pelton’s The World’s Most Dangerous Places: Heavy D and the Boys
“What you learn from doing this type of travel, from this type of goal. Is that first of all the Earth is round, everyone is your neighbor. We always think there is an imaginary line between countries. There isn’t. Maybe people speak a different language or they have a different cultural background but they all have the same goals and needs and desires and wants. We tend to insulate ourselves in the western world, because we have everything” ~ RYP
“We fool ourselves sometimes we think we don’t need to pay attention to world events, but we do. And More importantly we need to take the time we have to go to these places and listen to these people and share food with them and meet their kids. To understand what life is like for them, so when we come back to our world we make decisions with them in mind” ~ RYP
Robert Young Pelton – Dangerous Places Revisited
“We are losing the love of risk, we are letting fear prevent us from being great” ~ RYP
“Never confuse what you are afraid of, with what can kill you” ~ RYP
“If you fear failure you’ve already lost” ~ RYP
In 2014 RYP spent spent two years advising MOAS, the Migrant Offshore Aid Station in Malta. https://www.moas.euMigrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) We provide life-saving aid and medical care to the world’s most vulnerable migrant communities.
Ever wonder what the story “Raven” is based on? The craziness of the boys school founder RYP attended as a kid. This is one of the canoes from the school. Also – follow @_robert_young_pelton_ for more cool@photos and stories
I bought the freighter canoe I paddled 1000 miles in when I was ten years old. I cut in three pieces and burned two of them so it could not torture any more children. The remaining piece holds some of my many bizarre mementoes. #Canada#wilderness#North Saskatchewan #StJohnscathedralboyschool#TheAdventurist
Michael is a Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, Professional Qigong Practitioner, and Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner. He has studied many other modalities including Pranic Healing, Quantum Touch, Polarity Therapy, the works of Barbara Ann Brennan and many other modalities as well.
He has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and the mysteries of life that started with the death of his brother when he was five years old. He had to understand what happened after death and where his brother went. This quest has never stopped.
Michael has had paranormal experiences all his life. He has been able to see energy since his youth and has seen many non-physical entities.
He also has had a lifelong passion for comparative religion, philosophy, the occult, and has studied in depth Christianity, Gnosticism, Taoism, Vedanta, Buddhism and the Pagan Traditions. He has studied and practiced the Western Mystery Tradition, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Ceremonial Magick, Wicca, Chaos Magick, Neuro Linguistic Programming,Shamanism Quantum Physics and most branches of the Occult (that which has been hidden). A lifelong searcher of hidden truth he first read the Bible cover to cover by himself at 11 years old and has studied the Nag Hammadi and Dead Sea Scrolls.
He is an Intuitive empath and has practiced meditation and qigong for over 25 years. He enjoys working out and is a fitness enthusiast. His path into the wellness field started after having Lyme’s Disease and rupturing 2 disc weightlifting. His practice of Qigong helped bring him back to abundant health after those health setbacks.
His skills were put to use as part of The Eastern States Paranormal Society in which he took part in many paranormal investigations. When needed he provided house clearings and blessings.
Mark Moss has founded 6 companies each growing well past 7 figures within the first year including an exit on a sale with a Fortune 500 company. Mark learned about technology cycles the hard way, founding an internet based ecommerce business In 2000, right when the Internet Boom was going bust. And even with the markets crashing down, was able to build it into one of the largest sporting good ecommerce sites on the internet in the niche.
In 2014, Mark went all in on cryptocurrencies. In return, he launched one of the first online crypto asset publications, Block United, now known as Signal Profits. Since late 2016, he’s been researching and recommending long-term buy positions every month. His results speak for themselves with portfolio returns averaging 3,542%.
Pendulum: How Past Generations Shape Our Present and Predict Our Future
Pendulum: How Past Generations Shape Our Present and Predict Our Future
TEDxCalgary – Michael Drew – Pendulum
TEDxCalgary – Michael Drew – Pendulum. Michael Drew takes us into the world of 40-year cycles in our society, and the implications of “quantum media” for the way in which we’ll need to think about leadership in the current cycle.
Wealth Transfer Pt. 3: The Key To Protecting Wealth In The Next Financial Crash – “We are a nation of War and Welfare”
Is This The End of ETC, VTC, and other coins? – The Dangers to Crypto Assets as Prices Fall – “To get really wealthy unfortunately you have to be lucky, but we are all lucky!“
How A LACK OF TRUST In Our Institutions Can Lead to WEALTH
– “65 Years after the Wright brothers first flight at Kitty Hawk we landed on the moon!”
HOW TO Think Like A CEO and CHANGE YOUR LIFE | 5 EASY STEPS – “Taking complete charge of our own life”
QUIT MY $50,000 JOB WITH THESE MONEY HACKS – Mark talks about the importance of getting away from the hourly wage, and getting paid for Value.
We have Crypto Love on the show again. Crypto Love took time off from his popular crypto YouTube channel to “re-find his excitement” and become a new improved version.
Quotes Talked About During Interview
The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry. ~ Ernest Hemingway
He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Niles Heckman is a documentarian who’s work focuses around themes of naturalism, occultism, and esotericism. He is the director of the feature film Transmutation, the documentary series Shamans of the Global Village, and a series of short-form documentary narrations. He shares insights in his films, writings, podcast, mentorships with others, alternate media appearances, and his photography blog Philosophical Photography – All of which are produced independently and can be found at
We talk about all these topics and more!
The evolving personal Bio (biography)
Technical and eclectic editing sound and video
Reading “The Matrix” code
The democratization of technology
“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one”
Street photography and capturing the sweetness of life
Taking responsibility for every aspect of a creative life
“There is a difference between knowing the path & walking the path” ~ Morpheus
Finding the Yellow Brick Road of authentic life
The equal value of every creative act
Finding what interest you and doing it may lead to an income stream
Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”.
Content Mentioned During Interview
Shamans of the Global Village
Shamans of the Global Village is an independently produced documentary series focusing on indigenous entheogenic medicines and the Western shamanic resurgence.
Invisible Empire (We mention “Empire” in the interview, for a definition check this out)
In discussing matters of society, politics, climate, war, education, and such like – the substance of the conversation is fundamentally determined by the participants’ cognizance of Empire. Without knowledge of Empire, the veracity of any discourse is severely restricted. As an exercise in grasping the gulf between Imperially conditioned responses and free-thinking observations, I drew […] Read more