Fractal Weather Report 7/10/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/10/2017 During a Shamanic experience in Sedona, AZ in a Vortex the Fractal information that underlies physical reality was clearly seen. There is a language written within the Fractal that can be interpreted and is literally the written word of Intent. This intent is from the 4D Higher Self of all 3D beings on Earth. After this Shamanic experience the Fractal Energy could be seen in the sky as energy radiating into the Earth Plane. It is especially visible in cloud formations. Sedona, AZ is a very special place where Ascension energy is flowing into the 3D Earth reality constantly and is literally a barometer of “The Event”, “Ascension”, and “Earth Changes”. Each person will resonate with some of those definitions. The Fractal Weather Report covers noticeable 4D energy patterns flowing in and their reactions to the 3D Earth plane. #fractalweatherreport #fractal #weather#weatherreport #spiritual #spirituality#spirituallyawake #reconnect#awakening #Angels #lawofattraction#awareness #god #today #wisdom#universe #consciousness #namaste#nature #gratitude #meditate #spirit#passion #gratitude #thankful#believeinyourself #wakeuptheworld

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