Street Sages Interview with Clare F. Halford – Artist, Writer, and Healer

Clare F. Halford

Clare F. Halford walked away from a demanding career as an ER doctor to fulfill her lifelong desire to become an artist, writer and healer. She shares with us the events leading up to her courageous decision to follow her bliss toward creating a more passionate and authentic life for herself and her family. On a more mystical note, learn how ayahuasca, the “spirit vine”, helped her along on her spectacular journey.

Since leaving her successful career in the world of conventional medicine, and no longer content with the limitations of medical practice, she has emerged as a Soul Doctor – someone who can see deeply into people and catalyze their personal journey of healing and transformation. Clare is the creator of Clarabelle, a daily uplifting and sweetly thought-provoking cartoon aimed to send snippets of love and inspiration out into the world. Clare was a huge inspiration to me and even though she lives far, far away from me in New Zealand, she has become a life long friend and mentor.

Special Thanks to Adolf Mulzer for composing music for Street Sages

Interview – YouTube


Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

Clare F. Halford – Website

Clare F. Halford – Instagram

Clare F. Halford – Facebook



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