Fractal Weather Report 7/13/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7.13.2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/13/2017 During a Shamanic experience in Sedona, AZ in a Vortex the Fractal information that underlies physical reality was clearly seen. There is a language written within the Fractal that can be interpreted and is literally the written word of Intent. This intent is from the 4D Higher Self of all 3D beings on Earth. After this Shamanic experience the Fractal Energy could be seen in the sky as energy radiating into the Earth Plane. It is especially visible in cloud formations. Sedona, AZ is a very special place where Ascension energy is flowing into the 3D Earth reality constantly and is literally a barometer of “The Event”, “Ascension”, and “Earth Changes”. Each person will resonate with some of those definitions. The Fractal Weather Report covers noticeable 4D energy patterns flowing in and their reactions to the 3D Earth plane. #fractalweatherreport #fractal #weather #weatherreport #spiritual #spirituality #spirituallyawake #reconnect #awakening #Angels #lawofattraction #awareness #god #today #wisdom #universe #consciousness #namaste #nature #gratitude #meditate #spirit #passion #gratitude #thankful #believeinyourself #wakeuptheworld

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Fractal Weather Report 7/11/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/11/2017 During a Shamanic experience in Sedona, AZ in a Vortex the Fractal information that underlies physical reality was clearly seen. There is a language written within the Fractal that can be interpreted and is literally the written word of Intent. This intent is from the 4D Higher Self of all 3D beings on Earth. After this Shamanic experience the Fractal Energy could be seen in the sky as energy radiating into the Earth Plane. It is especially visible in cloud formations. Sedona, AZ is a very special place where Ascension energy is flowing into the 3D Earth reality constantly and is literally a barometer of “The Event”, “Ascension”, and “Earth Changes”. Each person will resonate with some of those definitions. The Fractal Weather Report covers noticeable 4D energy patterns flowing in and their reactions to the 3D Earth plane. #fractalweatherreport #fractal #weather#weatherreport #spiritual #spirituality#spirituallyawake #reconnect#awakening #Angels #lawofattraction#awareness #god #today #wisdom#universe #consciousness #namaste#nature #gratitude #meditate #spirit#passion #gratitude #thankful#believeinyourself #wakeuptheworld

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Fractal Weather Report 7/10/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/10/2017 During a Shamanic experience in Sedona, AZ in a Vortex the Fractal information that underlies physical reality was clearly seen. There is a language written within the Fractal that can be interpreted and is literally the written word of Intent. This intent is from the 4D Higher Self of all 3D beings on Earth. After this Shamanic experience the Fractal Energy could be seen in the sky as energy radiating into the Earth Plane. It is especially visible in cloud formations. Sedona, AZ is a very special place where Ascension energy is flowing into the 3D Earth reality constantly and is literally a barometer of “The Event”, “Ascension”, and “Earth Changes”. Each person will resonate with some of those definitions. The Fractal Weather Report covers noticeable 4D energy patterns flowing in and their reactions to the 3D Earth plane. #fractalweatherreport #fractal #weather#weatherreport #spiritual #spirituality#spirituallyawake #reconnect#awakening #Angels #lawofattraction#awareness #god #today #wisdom#universe #consciousness #namaste#nature #gratitude #meditate #spirit#passion #gratitude #thankful#believeinyourself #wakeuptheworld

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Fractal Weather Report 7/9/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/9/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/9/2017 During a Shamanic experience in Sedona, AZ in a Vortex the Fractal information that underlies physical reality was clearly seen. There is a language written within the Fractal that can be interpreted and is literally the written word of Intent. This intent is from the 4D Higher Self of all 3D beings on Earth. After this Shamanic experience the Fractal Energy could be seen in the sky as energy radiating into the Earth Plane. It is especially visible in cloud formations. Sedona, AZ is a very special place where Ascension energy is flowing into the 3D Earth reality constantly and is literally a barometer of “The Event”, “Ascension”, and “Earth Changes”. Each person will resonate with some of those definitions. The Fractal Weather Report covers noticeable 4D energy patterns flowing in and their reactions to the 3D Earth plane. #fractalweatherreport #fractal #weather #weatherreport #spiritual #spirituality #spirituallyawake #reconnect #awakening #Angels #lawofattraction #awareness #god #today #wisdom #universe #consciousness #namaste #nature #gratitude #meditate #spirit #passion #gratitude #thankful #believeinyourself #wakeuptheworld

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Fractal Weather Report 7/8/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/8/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/8/2017 During a Shamanic experience in Sedona, AZ in a Vortex the Fractal information that underlies physical reality was clearly seen. There is a language written within the Fractal that can be interpreted and is literally the written word of Intent. This intent is from the 4D Higher Self of all 3D beings on Earth. After this Shamanic experience the Fractal Energy could be seen in the sky as energy radiating into the Earth Plane. It is especially visible in cloud formations. Sedona, AZ is a very special place where Ascension energy is flowing into the 3D Earth reality constantly and is literally a barometer of “The Event”, “Ascension”, and “Earth Changes”. Each person will resonate with some of those definitions. The Fractal Weather Report covers noticeable 4D energy patterns flowing in and their reactions to the 3D Earth plane. #fractalweatherreport #fractal #weather #weatherreport #spiritual #spirituality #spirituallyawake

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Fractal Weather Report 7/7/2017

Fractal Weather Report 7/7/2017 During a Shamanic experience in Sedona, AZ in a Vortex the Fractal information that underlies physical reality was clearly seen. There is a language written within the Fractal that can be interpreted and is literally the written word of Intent. This intent is from the 4D Higher Self of all 3D beings on Earth. After this Shamanic experience the Fractal Energy could be seen in the sky as energy radiating into the Earth Plane. It is especially visible in cloud formations. Sedona, AZ is a very special place where Ascension energy is flowing into the 3D Earth reality constantly and is literally a barometer of “The Event”, “Ascension”, and “Earth Changes”. Each person will resonate with some of those definitions. The Fractal Weather Report covers noticeable 4D energy patterns flowing in and their reactions to the 3D Earth plane. #fractalweatherreport #fractal #sedona #sedonaaz #sedonaarizona #spiritual

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Radiant Creators Interview with Edd Edwards, Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy Master

Edd Edwards, a master manipulator of energy and founder of the Kituwah Institute, Energy Health and Healing. Edd’s mastery of energy, defined as Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy allows his clients to heal themselves in a process he calls “Tune Ups”. Edd is able to direct this powerful energy in-person and remotely over distance. Edd adamantly says he is not a healer, instead Edd “Tunes Up” the neural energy system of the body and enables people to heal themselves.

Over the past 26 years, Edd’s unique gift has attracted the attention of well-known physicists and research scientists such as the distinguished physicist, Dr. William Levengood. Levengood successfully measured and quantified Edd’s energy output in his laboratory, and as a result, Edd’s unique gift has been studied by prestigious institutions such as University of Virginia and The Rhine Research Center in the Bio-Energy Emissions Lab. The research conducted on Edd is documented and can be found on his website.

Edd can “Tune Up” one or many people at a time, and can be contacted via his website to schedule sessions. Edd’s dream is to have a healing center where his life’s work is taught – especially to children. This dream is coming to form and Edd confidently says “It will happen when source wills it”. Let’s hope that is soon! Find more about Edd at his website,

BONUS! During this interview, Edd gives our listeners a free energetic “Tune Up”.

Edd Edwards, a master manipulator of energy and founder of the Kituwah Institute, Energy Health and Healing. Edd’s mastery of energy, defined as Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy allows his clients to heal themselves in a process he calls “Tune Ups”. Edd is able to direct this powerful energy in-person and remotely over distance. Edd adamantly says he is not a healer, instead Edd “Tunes Up” the neural energy system of the body and enables people to heal themselves.
Over the past 26 years, Edd’s unique gift has attracted the attention of well-known physicists and research scientists such as the distinguished physicist, Dr. William Levengood. Levengood successfully measured and quantified Edd’s energy output in his laboratory, and as a result, Edd’s unique gift has been studied by prestigious institutions such as University of Virginia and The Rhine Research Center in the Bio-Energy Emissions Lab. The research conducted on Edd is documented and can be found on his website.

Edd can “Tune Up” one or many people at a time, and can be contacted via his website to schedule sessions. Edd’s dream is to have a healing center where his life’s work is taught – especially to children. This dream is coming to form and Edd confidently says “It will happen when source wills it”. Let’s hope that is soon! Find more about Edd at his website,

BONUS! During this interview, Edd gives our listeners a free energetic “Tune Up”.

Complete show
“Tune Up” only

Complete Show
“Tune Up” only

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Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”
Download “Tune Up” only by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

Radiant Creators Interview: Hector Jesus Arencibia, author of Letters from Wanderlust

Today we interview Hector Jesus Arencebia, author of the book, Letters from Wanderlust.  Hector experienced a profound transformation after years of living the destructive lifestyle as a Miami party boy.  He’ll discuss waking up one fateful morning, and suddenly realizing he needed to dramatically change the course of his life. Hector sold off his possessions, including his beloved matador-red Lexus, and purchased a one-way ticket around the world. His first book, Letters from Wanderlust details his courageous and transformative journey as well as his spiritual insights.



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Radiant Creators Interview Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin is a Teacher, Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Rebel who makes his living providing guidance to others by using his finely tuned intuition, wisdom, compassion and fiery humor. His ability to take high level, often abstract spiritual knowledge and make it practical and accessible to others is bringing revolutionary insight to his growing list of clients. His down to earth approach assists people in unlocking powerful, lasting, change and is a catalyst for life altering shifts and transformation. More about his work can be found on his website,

One of the highlights of Andrew’s teachings is his monthly Energy Updates posted on YouTube. When we first came upon his Energy Updates, we found them very entertaining, but soon realized that they’re much, much more than entertainment. Andrew is deeply tapped into energetic patterns affecting all of us and helps clarify what many of us are sensing, but can’t quite put into words. Andrew is ON IT.

I met Andrew for this interview in the far outskirts of Seattle at his sunny apartment, and one of the first things I noticed upon meeting him in person was his warmth and humanness.

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Andrew Martin is a Teacher, Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Rebel who makes his living providing guidance to others by using his finely tuned intuition, wisdom, compassion and fiery humor. His ability to take high level, often abstract spiritual knowledge and make it practical and accessible to others is bringing revolutionary insight to his growing list of clients. His down to earth approach assists people in unlocking powerful, lasting, change and is a catalyst for life altering shifts and transformation. More about his work can be found on his website,

One of the highlights of Andrew’s teachings is his monthly Energy Updates posted on YouTube. When we first came upon his Energy Updates, we found them very entertaining, but soon realized that they’re much, much more than entertainment. Andrew is deeply tapped into energetic patterns affecting all of us and helps clarify what many of us are sensing, but can’t quite put into words. Andrew is ON IT.

I met Andrew for this interview in the far outskirts of Seattle at his sunny apartment, and one of the first things I noticed upon meeting him in person was his warmth and humanness.