Jake Sansing author of Jake Does America: 10,000 Mile Trek

Book description on Amazon:

“A chronicle about an Army veteran who becomes homeless, and follows his dream of hiking and cycling all over North America. Although he is homeless, he gets by with his survival skills and the help of strangers as he raises money for various charities and support groups. His altruistic trek spans over the course of three years and comes to an abrupt stop at his 10,000th mile. From Delaware to California, from Florida to Alaska, follow along to experience this man’s journey of compassion, chaos, supernatural events, deadly situations, loneliness, comic relief, selflessness, betrayal, heartbreak, and humbleness. You will never read a travel story quite like this one!”

This book review from Amazon by Katrina Rachel describes the book well:

“A travelogue written by a U.S. Army veteran struggling with PTSD and bipolar disorder. Finding himself unemployed and homeless, Jake sells all his possessions and decides he will walk across America while raising money for various charities, including St. Jude’s Hospital. Uncomfortable in busy, densely populated areas Jake tries to stick to backroads and small towns. Along the way, he copes with being mistaken for a homeless vagrant, a potential troublemaker, is harassed by police and people who judge only the book’s cover and never look inside. These experiences are balanced with many encounters with kind strangers, as well as followers of his blog who meet up with him, offer him food, drink, care packages, entertainment and respite from the fatigue of the long journey. Skilled in wood craft Jake camps, hunts, fishes and uses his Army training to be as self-sufficient as possible. Even during his darkest days of depression, as he contemplates suicide, his honesty and integrity shine through, and you feel as though you are listening to a dear friend unburdening their heart to you. A remarkable book, by a remarkable man, who has travelled 10,000 miles by bicycle and on foot, across America and is not yet 30 years old. I hope the coming years bring him the health, peace, and happiness he deserves.”

Jake Sansing Interview Links


Interview – YouTube

Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
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Interview – dtube

Jake Sansing Links


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Spore and Hesher – Creators of Alternate Current Radio

Today we talk to Spore and Hesher, two of the creators of Alternate Current Radio. These two bold truth seekers and speakers took the Red Pill and have not looked back. Their creation, Alternate Current Radio is truly a collaborative tribe of like minded investigative journalism and geopolitical analysis along with grooving music from several DJ’s.

Bio from their site:
About Alternate Current Radio

Alternate Current Radio (ACR) is a grass roots independent media network built from the ground up by a small group of likeminded rebels with a shared enthusiasm for personal freedom, individuality, and liberty… not just here in what used to be a constitutional republic of states but for all the people of planet Earth.

Alternate Current Radio was founded to provide a platform for all the talent we at ACR have discovered in our combined years of participation in broadcasting, blogging, investigative journalism and geopolitical analysis. From the the amazing podcasters, producers and investigative journalists to the revolutionary minds, youtubers, musicians, DJs and artists from all over the world. ACR wants to share our forum and our platform as a meeting place for all our listeners to participate and interact with their favorite ACR shows, hosts, DJs and other like minded listeners.

Join us at Alternate Current Radio and leave the propaganda blitz, advertising assaults and fear campaigns of typical Main Stream Media and Alternative Media outlets behind with an informative and entertaining set of talk shows and eclectic DJs playing music for all types of listeners between our talk show presentations.

Interview Links

Interview – YouTube

Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

Interview – dtube

Alternate Current Radio Links

Alternate Current Radio – Website

Alternate Current Radio – Spreaker Page

Alternate Current Radio Network – Facebook

Alternate Current Radio Network – Twitter

Spore – Twitter

Hesher – Twitter

Arthur Haines – Neo-Aboriginal Lifeway Harmonizing Plant, Animal, and Earth

Arthur has a new book “A New Path: To Transcend the Great Forgetting Through Incorporating Ancestral Practices into Contemporary Living” and it is a must read for a deeper experience of life on every level.

A New Path: To Transcend the Great Forgetting Through Incorporating Ancestral Practices into Contemporary Living

Arthur Haines is a Botanist who founded the Delta Institute of Natural History in Canton, Maine. His passion for practicing and sharing a neoaboriginal lifeway has led him to teaching others about human ecology, the values of foraging, wildcrafting medicine, primitive living skills, and learning how to develop self-reliance and gain a greater understanding of eco-conscientiousness.

Arthur has published major textbooks, has named multiple new species and genera to science, and has helped construct websites that enable people to identify plants throughout the Northeastern U.S.

Helping people learn how to foster awareness, develop connection, better health and self-reliance through an understanding of ancestral and existing indigenous cultures are all aspects of Arthur’s life mission.

“I believe we are at an important crossroads in our existence, one where domestication of the human species has led to an inability for most to nourish, heal, and care for themselves. This process has created profound blindness to the consequences of modern industry and the illnesses associated with nature disconnection. It is critically important to recognize that this point in history.” ~ Arthur Haines

Interview – YouTube

Interview – dtube

Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

Interview – Dailymotion (Part 1 & 2)

Arthur Haines – Neo-Aboriginal Lifeway… by radiantcreators

Arthur Haines – Neo-Aboriginal Lifeway… by radiantcreators

Arthur Haines – Website

Arthur Haines – Facebook

Arthur Haines – YouTube

Arthur Haines – Twitter

Inspiring Content by Arthur Haines

Arthur Haines new book “A New Path” is ESSENTIAL reading.

A New Path: To Transcend the Great Forgetting Through Incorporating Ancestral Practices into Contemporary Living

“A New Path is a clear and easily understood presentation of a meaningful and nature-connected future.  Be prepared for the paradigm shift, as the world feels different after just the first chapter.” ~ Bremen James, farmer/father/forager

ReWilding Fundamentals

Arthur Haines: The Benefits of Wild Foods, How to Wildcraft Medicine, & What Bear Tastes Like

ReWild 101 – Arthur Haines and Daniel Vitalis #125

Interview with Shane Tyler Milson – Black Magic Alchemy

Today’s interview features Shane Tyler Milson of Black Magic Alchemy, a company and philosophy inspired by Shane’s love of foraging mushrooms. Black Magic Alchemy’s premier product is a Chaga mushroom-based Rootbeer Elixir, and all of the Chaga used to create this magical elixir is wild harvested deep in Canadian forests by Shane and his crew. Chaga mushrooms are typically found growing on birch trees and contain powerful immune boosting health benefits. We enthusiastically discuss Chaga and Reishi mushrooms and discuss at length the many reasons one should consider adding them to their diet. We also discuss modern Shamanism and its re-emergence into our daily lives. This interview was magical and inspired from start to finish.

“We sustainably hunt our own wild rare mature Chaga mushrooms in pristine Canadian forests, blessing every birch tree before harvest & taking only a small portion of the mushroom to protect the life force energy of the tree, mushroom and forest.” ~ Shane Tyler Milson

Interview – YouTube

Interview – iTunes

Interview – MP3
Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

Black Magic Alchemy – Instagram

Black Magic Alchemy – Website

Black Magic Alchemy – Facebook

Shane Milson – YouTube

Inspiring Content by Shane Milson

Kill The Bear | Motivational Video | “What One Man Can Do, Another Can Do!”

My Chaga Mushroom “Psychic” Experience That Triggered My Shroomie Passion | Shane Tyler Milson

Story of the Chaga mushroom used to create your magical elixirs that the osprey’s deliver.

Radiant Creators Interview with Malcolm Saunders, Reconnecting To Our Food Through Intuitive Eating

Today, Malcolm Saunders is joining us to discuss how to recreate your relationship to food. Malcolm is a passionate educator in the field of health and nutrition and an intuitive chef who enjoys teaching others how to make their own energizing and healing superfoods.

Today, Malcolm Saunders is joining us to discuss how to recreate your relationship to food. Malcolm is a passionate educator in the field of health and nutrition and an intuitive chef who enjoys teaching others how to make their own energizing and healing superfoods.

Malcolm has created events and shared the stage with world-renown speakers including David Wolfe and Daniel Vitalis, and is the visionary founder behind The Light Cellar, a health food store and community teaching kitchen located in Alberta, Canada.

Today with so many divergent diets, clashing opinions and research being touted – everything from Vegan to Paleo to Ketogenic – many people are left confused as to what exactly to eat for optimal health.

Malcolm brings what he calls a “Food Scope” approach to intuitive eating, and also discusses some of the optimal superfoods, such as chocolate and medicinal mushrooms, to consider adding to our diets.

We’ll also discuss the importance of gut health in building a strong immune system and healthy brain function.

You can find our more about Malcolm’s approach to health at his website, MalcolmSaunders.com. There, you’ll find an array of topics such Intuitive Eating, Wild Harvesting, and Fermentation. The website of his health food store, The Light Cellar contains a wealth of educational videos, as well as information on his upcoming workshops.




Listen to it on iTunes

Download complete show as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as”

Malcolm Saunders on Instagram @TheMalchemist

Malcolm Saunders – Recreate your relationship to food…

Malcom Saunder – Facebook

The Light Cellar

Inspiring Content by Malcolm Saunders

Find Your What

Recreating Your Relationship With Food w/ Malcolm Saunders ~ ATTMind Ep.38

Discover Your Talents & Do What You Love

The Concept of Ascension Defined

Talk of earth-bound comets, climate change, X-class solar flares, super volcano eruptions, killer viruses, nuclear weapons – the list could go on and on. This brings us to the concept of ascension and an attempt to define.

“The cave you fear to enter
Holds the treasure you seek”
~ Joseph Campbell

Throughout time, human beings have believed the end is near

From the Biblical apocalypse to the Hindu yugas, to the legend of the Hopi blue star Kachina, cultures throughout the world believe a cataclysmic event is looming. Additionally, there is talk of earth-bound comets, climate change, X-class solar flares, super volcano eruptions, killer viruses, nuclear weapons – the list could go on and on.

Apocalypse Source:
Top 10 Religious Beliefs About the Apocalypse

This brings us to the concept of ascension.

What is the concept of Ascension?

David Wilcock says “35 different ancient cultures talk about ascension as a spontaneous evolution of the human being to a higher form”. Wilcock also says “Everybody gets what they need out of this event, and the event is some kind of energetic release from the sun”. Lastly regarding each individual’s experience of ascension Wilcock adds, “What you experience is what you invite”.

David Wilcock – MAY 05, 2017 The Ascension Mysteries Potentially Working with a Fallacy (NEW)

What might cause ascension?

Might the possibility of a Galactic Superwave affect human consciousness? Scientists from Starburst Research are studying the existence of intense cosmic ray particles that travel from the center of our galaxy. These particles produced abrupt changes to the Earth’s climate when the superwave impacted our solar system around 14,000 years ago. Could this also effect human DNA and consciousness.

Dr. Paul LaViolette of The Starburst Foundation

Jordan Sather of the popular YouTube channel, Destroying The Illusion https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA speculates on the concept that our solar system is moving through space and heading for an area of the universe that contains a powerful source of energy. This energy may affect the behavior of our Sun. Could the change in the sun be capable of profoundly adjusting human consciousness? A well done speculation merging spirituality and science is achieved in this video.

The Science of Ascension – A Quantum Solar Shift
Here is a gathering of different physicists research in an effort to explain what the heck is going on with our solar system, and what it means for us.

Andrew Martin of http://thelightedones.com/ in a post from July 18, 2017 shares his intuitive feelings on the current ascension energies being quite intense. Andrew’s YouTubes are like the “Ascension Nightly News”, and very worth following. Two quotes from Andrew’s recent post below that might inspire more investigation if they resonate with you.

“When Spirit is calling me away from my comfort zone, life becomes more and more uncomfortable until I say “OK”, surrender, and let it carry me to the next experience”.

“Just like when you have downloaded new operating software and need to reboot your computer, it goes dark for a second as it configures and installs the new info, then it restarts and the light comes back on. Right now we are upgrading our operating systems in a major way”.

2017 Energy Update – The Super Cell Energy Wave

Ascension and Earth Changes

Let’s touch on ascension and Earth Changes. Does ascension effect the Earth’s physical reality? As Wilcock states, “What you experience is what you invite”. My opinion is ascension is unique to each individual. To some it is enhanced wisdom and expanded consciousness, and for some apocalyptic. Ascension truly brings to light “What is internal and external are the same”.

Massive changes to the Earth may have occurred historically possibly wiping out much of humanity. Graham Hancock is a pioneer in the archaeology related to this possibility. His material is laid out on the Joe Rogan Experience below.

Joe Rogan Experience #961 – Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer

If interested a deeper view into Graham Hancock.
David Wilcock Interviews Graham Hancock: Setting History Free!

Graham Hancock’s latest book “Magicians of the Gods” goes into deep details on historic physical Earth changes.

Ascension Energy is Affecting EVERYONE!

This new awareness is making people crazy, have you noticed?

Conscious evolution affecting those experiencing ascension energy appears to kick down doors locked by our hearts and minds. This new energy brings our deepest darkness, pain and repressed emotions to light. If we aren’t ready to face those difficulties, they’re going to make themselves apparent whether we’re ready or not. So you might have noticed increased anxieties and fear among the population.

Many aren’t ready for this flash flood of emotion and challenging life situations which leads to resistance of what IS. Andrew Martin quips, “The river doesn’t stop and have a breakdown when it hits a boulder”. Thus, the best way to approaches these turbulent times is to take them as they come.

Source for river quote:
Are You Fixed or in the Flow?

Conflict with friends and family during ascension

Individuals choosing to navigate the ascension for their own evolution might find conflict, push back, and skepticism from friends and loved ones. This is because not everyone is ready, aware, or interested in conscious growth. It is essential not to preach at or attempt to fix others who are unwilling.

In a helpful YouTube Destroying The Illusion https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA speaks on
“Tips to Help Bring Someone onto the Awakening Path”

Ascension Symptoms

Many individuals claim to consciously feel physical symptoms of ascension, such as headaches, loss of energy, dizziness – there are far too many to mention here and lists abound on the internet. Going to visit with Destroying The Illusion again on this topic.

Managing Ascension Symptoms with Holistic Health Balancing (1/7)

Epsom Salt baths are a personal favorite for charging up with good energy and relaxing.

Approaching the Ascension

A positive approach to the ascension is to be a Radiant Creator! http://RadiantCreators.com As David Wilcock states, “What you experience is what you invite”. The impeccable Radiant Creator who expresses their purpose, passion, courage and determination will thrive during the ascension. So, is the end near… or is this just the beginning?

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure”
~ Joseph Campbell



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Radiant Creators Interview: Hector Jesus Arencibia, author of Letters from Wanderlust

Today we interview Hector Jesus Arencebia, author of the book, Letters from Wanderlust.  Hector experienced a profound transformation after years of living the destructive lifestyle as a Miami party boy.  He’ll discuss waking up one fateful morning, and suddenly realizing he needed to dramatically change the course of his life. Hector sold off his possessions, including his beloved matador-red Lexus, and purchased a one-way ticket around the world. His first book, Letters from Wanderlust details his courageous and transformative journey as well as his spiritual insights.



Listen to it on iTunes

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Radiant Creators Interview Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin is a Teacher, Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Rebel who makes his living providing guidance to others by using his finely tuned intuition, wisdom, compassion and fiery humor. His ability to take high level, often abstract spiritual knowledge and make it practical and accessible to others is bringing revolutionary insight to his growing list of clients. His down to earth approach assists people in unlocking powerful, lasting, change and is a catalyst for life altering shifts and transformation. More about his work can be found on his website, thelightedones.com/

One of the highlights of Andrew’s teachings is his monthly Energy Updates posted on YouTube. When we first came upon his Energy Updates, we found them very entertaining, but soon realized that they’re much, much more than entertainment. Andrew is deeply tapped into energetic patterns affecting all of us and helps clarify what many of us are sensing, but can’t quite put into words. Andrew is ON IT.

I met Andrew for this interview in the far outskirts of Seattle at his sunny apartment, and one of the first things I noticed upon meeting him in person was his warmth and humanness.

MP3 Download (Right click to download)
Listen on iTunes

Andrew Martin is a Teacher, Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Rebel who makes his living providing guidance to others by using his finely tuned intuition, wisdom, compassion and fiery humor. His ability to take high level, often abstract spiritual knowledge and make it practical and accessible to others is bringing revolutionary insight to his growing list of clients. His down to earth approach assists people in unlocking powerful, lasting, change and is a catalyst for life altering shifts and transformation. More about his work can be found on his website, thelightedones.com

One of the highlights of Andrew’s teachings is his monthly Energy Updates posted on YouTube. When we first came upon his Energy Updates, we found them very entertaining, but soon realized that they’re much, much more than entertainment. Andrew is deeply tapped into energetic patterns affecting all of us and helps clarify what many of us are sensing, but can’t quite put into words. Andrew is ON IT.

I met Andrew for this interview in the far outskirts of Seattle at his sunny apartment, and one of the first things I noticed upon meeting him in person was his warmth and humanness.